Wednesday, April 13, 2016

You Do What You Want When You Poppin'

Good Morning Everyone!

Everyone knows my motto for 2016:

But what does that really mean?

I am here to share with you the three step formula.
*WARNING* Following these steps can lead to extreme self determination, joy, and spiritual enlightenment. Use at ANY point in your life process and repeat as often as necessary.
Let the poppin' begin.

Step One: Know, without a doubt, that you are poppin'
Whatever that means to you, internalize it.
Something that has helped me realize the magnitude of my POP is writing and reciting morning mantras. Although it can be helpful to recite a prewritten mantra, nothing truly resonates like speaking your OWN words into the universe.

Here is a simple mantra to begin with:
"I am alive today.
Whether the sun shines or the skies cry,
My happiness is solely dependent on me.
Today I choose to be free."

Step Two: I like to call this the "Who Gone Check Me Boo?"
Ok, you're poppin' so now what? Now is the time to do all the things you've dreamed of. I know that I always find myself waiting to live my dreams, promising that there is a better suited day to start truly living.


The past year has abruptly taught me how short life is. How often people wish towards tomorrow for a bigger smile or a better life. Tomorrow is not promised to anyone. Ask your self this: If today is my last day, did I live a joyful life? Did I use my voice as a testimony? Or did I shrink the talents God blessed me with in order to accommodate someone else's happiness?

The choice of freedom is yours.

Step Three: What fun is poppin' alone?
You all know that we don't hold our blessings to ourselves. Not in this fam, we don't.

Once you have completed steps one and two, take it upon yourself to help others reach their POP potential as well. We shine from within and radiate outwards. If you see a sis struggling to believe in herself, teach her to POP. If a brother is doubting his dream, teach him to POP too.

Be intentional with your words and actions. Pray, meditate, seek understanding.

"Make yourself a priority."

Stay Happy. Stay Healthy!


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